I was looking forward to having a good RSS reader on the Mac that synched with the iPad, but unfortunately this isnt it.
1) Safari has a better RSS reader, and has the ability to use the Reader functionality which removes unneccesary interface elements.
2) The iPad app didnt synch with my account, and just displayed, well nothing... with no feedback as to what the problem is or whether the password is incorrect or anything.
3) There is no way to intuitively move an RSS feed into a group. Youd think you could just drag a feed into a group to organize your feeds, but it doesnt work for me.
4) It isnt really free. This is a 30 day trial, and it doesnt seem to be quite clear in the app description.
I am looking forward to an update to this app, and if they fix the above-mentioned issues I will take another look at it. Until then, Ill keep looking for an RSS reader that works on the iPad and the Mac.
P.S. I dont mind paying for an app like this, if it worked and was intuitive to use, but unfortunately this one has a ways to go.
snarfleblaster about Shrook RSS Reader, v2.82